localbuild.pl Is read to determine the local build configuration, allowing to configure things that are specific for a build under a certain platform. The file is read using readConfigFile
readConfigFile("filename") Tries to reads an extra file and parse its contents, it will only generate a warning if it can't find it. However if the file fails to parse, buildpp.pl stops.
autoTarget() Tries to determine the OS we are running under and sets $target accordingly.
%osHash A hash from regEx's for OS names to $target values (DEFAULT=see buildpp.pl)
$target The current build target, empty for no specific target. Usually set using autoTarget(). (DEFAULT="") see CODE COMMENTS for more info.
parseArguments() Makes buildpp.pl read the arguments and options from the command line. buildpp.pl will call this if you don't. However it won't call it if you have already called it. It is possible to call this function more that once if needed. You only need to call this function if you modify %argumentHash.
%argumentHash The option that is feed to Getopt::Long when reading options. Modify this to define your own options for buildpp.pl. eg. $argumentHash{"cross"} = \$crossCompile; to define a new option -cross that sets $crossCompile true when you call parseArguments(). See the perl documentation for Getopt::Long for more information (DEFAULT=see buildpp.pl)
$testProgram The program used when testing exe files. You could set this to "wine " when cross compiling to windows or "gdb " when compiling debug versions (DEFAULT="").
$lazyLinking if lazyLinking is set true (1) you don't need to specify link comments it links with everything that you #include "" with. Inside the source code you may locally overwrite the global $lazyLinking variable with //#lazylinking on or //#lazylinking off (DEFAULT=0).
$compiler The program to use as a compiler (DEFAULT="g++").
$cflags The default flags used when compiling code into object files (DEFAULT="-c -Wall ") see CODE COMMENTS for more info.
$includeSuffix Defines the suffixes that if included with #include "" will become part of the dependencies. Used in a regEx therefore the weird syntax (DEFAULT="\\.h|\\.cpp").
$codeSuffix The suffix that your code files have, DON'T put a dot in front (DEFAULT="cpp").
$objectSuffix The suffix to put after object files, DON'T put a dot in front (DEFAULT="o").
$linker The program to use as a linker (DEFAULT="g++") see CODE COMMENTS for more info.
$ldflags The default flags used when linking object files together (DEFAULT="") see CODE COMMENTS for more info.
$exeSuffix The suffix to put after executable files, DON'T put a dot in front (DEFAULT="").
$buildDir The dir where buildpp.pl generates files (.o .exe and .d files) if it dos't exist it will be created. WARNING ALL files here will be deleted on clean! (DEFAULT="build/").
$cleanConfirm If true you are requested to confirm when cleaning (DEFAULT=1).
$useDistcc) If true all compile commands will be prefixed with "distcc " (DEFAULT=0), additional if $numberOfThreads has't been set it will be set to the number of hosts in the environment variable DISTCC_HOSTS
$numberOfThreads The number of threads to use when compiling object files (DEFAULT=1)
$postProcessingRef is a reference to a function that is called for each executable file created. This could for instance be used to call strip on your executables when generating release versions. See the default function in buildpp.pl for arguments. (DEFAULT=\&defaultPostProcessing)
$autoProcessingRef is a reference to a function that is called for each file with a .auto suffix found during the first "Reading module list and compiling file list" parse. The default behaviour is to try to execute the file See the default function in buildpp.pl for arguments. (DEFAULT=\&defaultAutoProcessing)
$colourVerbose, $colourNormal, $colourError, $colourAction, $colourExternal, $colourWarning, $colourGirlie Colour definitions for different types of output (DEFAULTS $colourVerbose = "\033[33m", $colourNormal = "\033[37;40m", $colourError = "\033[33;41m", $colourAction = "\033[32m", $colourExternal = "\033[36m" $colourWarning = "\033[33m", $colourGirlie = "\033[35m" )
$useColours See -usecolours. If false the colour entrys will not be used, note that it is not all terminals that understands the colourcodes (DEFAULT=0).
$verbose Displays lots of information if true (DEFAULT=0).
$girlie If true displays information that you normally don't need nor want (DEFAULT=0).
$showCompilerCommand If true always shows the command used for compilation (else just on error) (DEFAULT=0).
$showLinkerCommand If true always shows the command used for linking (else just on error) (DEFAULT=0).